Friday, September 8, 2023

My Red Pill World

My Red Pill World consists of the following, I doubt you will agree, actually I hope you do not, I absolutely love discussing the possibilities. Here we go, not in any particular order of importance or belief, just what pops into my head.

  • Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill JFK alone. There is too much evidence pointing to a conspiracy.  The Church Hearings during the 1970's actually made that clear.  On his death bed, E. Howard Hunt, a known CIA operative admitted to pulling the trigger behind the picket fence on the grassy knoll.
  • George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Colin Powell, Richard Pearl, Richard Clarke, and many others should be in prison for crimes against the Constitution.  Those include Treason, which is still a death Penalty offense.
  • Osama Bin Laden and 19 other Hijackers did not pull off the attacks on September 11, 2001 without help from elements inside the American government.  There was most likely help from the Mossad, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan Intelligence.  General Ahmed from Pakistan ISA wired Mohammed Atta $100,000 days before the attack. I am not nearly smart enough to know how this was pulled off, but to me there is no question that Dick Cheney was directly involved in this operation.  My brother has a theory that "Ground Zero" was the code name for this operation.
  • I have not quite figured out what bothers me more, the complete disregard that the Mainstream News has for the American people, or the sheeple who believe what the MSM tells them. This is particularly bothersome when dealing with anyone who quotes anything on Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and their ilk.  Why people believe any of this misinformation, disinformation, hook line and sinker is a ponderous question.  
  • The Mainstream News is mostly shills and another arm of the government.  There is nearly no investigative journalism anymore.  There are two journalists that I do find to be credible, John Pilger and Greg Palast. 
  • I do believe that Osama Bin Laden was dead many years before the tale of Seal Team 6.  This was  stated as fact by the Pakaistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.  She made this statement of fact in an interview, and was assassinated not long after that.
  • Fast Food is crap.
  • I could listen to The Eagles all day.
  • We have been visited by UFO in the past, and the government is supressing this information.  Roswell, New Mexico and Bentwaters, England are two well know events with evidence.  There is too much money spent by the US Government on misinformation and disinformation for this all to be a hoax.  Too many witness through the years have had credible sightings. The very sad fact that there are hoaxers and people who are publicity hungry have given the credible people a bad name.

  • The words "conspiracy theory" has been corrupted in the media.  

  • I consider the Bush family one of the most evil in the history of this country.  Prescott Bush, George Herbert Walker Bush and the last George Bush are reprehensible people. Don't think so, look them up.

  • Roy Schieder in "Jaws speaks what I consider the greatest line of any movie, "you're gonna need a bigger boat" is perfect for Jaws, but a metaphor for life.  What is your greatest line?

  • For many years, I am 52 as of this writing, there was no question in my mind that NASA went to the moon, and what they presented in video and pictures was fact.  I have since been convinced that is not true.  I do think we did go there, but there is an incredible amount of documentation that we have not been given all the facts.  NASA is an organization directly under the Department of Defense.  I cannot prove how they hoodwinked us, but too many inconstancy's in the record point to hanky panky on the moon.  Why have we not gone back in over 40 years? I have written many other posts about the fake moon pics, video and data.  There are people who know some dark secrets in the Pentagon.